In this post I'll discuss the type - The type of types of hamster, hamster that are generally keep people and types of hamsters I know. And I hope that this can be taken into consideration before buying a pet hamster.
In Indonesia today there are many different types of hamsters, such as:
Syrian Hamster
Syrian hamsters in Indonesia has extensive called 'queer' as a hamster local giant hamster hamster and Australia. Suitable keep hamsters this:
Children who are just beginning to learn to keep hamsters.
People who are happy with the longhaired pets.
People who just want to keep only one hamster tail.
Syrian Hamster is really great shape, like a sewer rat. hehehe that love - monggo hamsters kept in large, but I think that kind of lazy dech. less agile, long-seh seems so males2an. syria prices hamster about 15-30000, depending on the type and color. Specifications Syrian hamster:
-> Age normal 2 to 2.5 years
-> Length 15-20 cm
-> Long gestation of about 20 days
-> Type Syria (short hair, long hair, rex, satin).
Mini Hamster Campbell
Campbell is a hamster Hamster mini has the largest variety of colors and coat types. Hamster is included in the Mini class hamster adult size 9-12 cm. Distinct character of your hamster is more "daring" than other types of hamsters.
Campbell hamster hamster think cheap, as prices campbell hamster only 20 thousand. types of hamster campbell is that I care for my first, I think it is very nice and suitable for reproduction as it is very easy and childbirth, as it will produce even more baby hamsters 2-10. campbell hamster specifications:
-> Normal age of 1-2 years-> Length of approximately 10-15 cm adulthood-> Length of gestation less than 20 days-> Agile because their small size-> The weaning period (the separation of the child from his mother) 3-4 weeks-> Type campbell (albino, panda, black bear, Argente, opal, blue).
Mini Winter White Hamsters
Hamster Winter White looks like a hamster campbell, but there are some differences in terms of physical characteristics. Further details can be seen the types of hamster link. Winter mature hamster white slightly smaller than Campbell hamster, or measuring 7-9 cm. Generally have three types of color variations: Normal, Sapphire, and Pearl.
Hamster Character is calm, many are discouraged, and if a benign usually happy to climb into the hands of humans. Many who love this type of hamster mini than others due to the nature of these spoiled. Hamsters are easy to tame, because it is not as aggressive and bite as Campbell. Physically similar to Campbell. Hamster is recommended for beginners. Winter white hamster price varies from 15 to 75,000, depending on species. Winter white hamster Specifications:
-> Aged 1-2 years-> Length 7.9 cm-> Long 15-20 days of gestation-> Winter type (normal, sapphire, pearl, gold).
Mini Hamster Roborovski
Hamsters are the smallest among all. Hamster adult size is only about 5 cm. Hamster is moving faster, like running and jumping. They tend to be more afraid of humans than others. Hamsters Roborovski has only two variations, namely: normal face and white (white face) with about the same coat color is yellowish back with a white belly.
Hamster Character is calm, many are discouraged, and if a benign usually happy to climb into the hands of humans. Many who love this type of hamster mini than others due to the nature of these spoiled. Hamsters are easy to tame, because it is not as aggressive and bite as Campbell. Physically similar to Campbell. Hamster is recommended for beginners. Winter white hamster price varies from 15 to 75,000, depending on species. Winter white hamster Specifications:
-> Aged 1-2 years-> Length 7.9 cm-> Long 15-20 days of gestation-> Winter type (normal, sapphire, pearl, gold).
Mini Hamster Roborovski
Hamsters are the smallest among all. Hamster adult size is only about 5 cm. Hamster is moving faster, like running and jumping. They tend to be more afraid of humans than others. Hamsters Roborovski has only two variations, namely: normal face and white (white face) with about the same coat color is yellowish back with a white belly.
Because of their less than capbell kerjaanya so yes run - run away. Roborovski Hamsters prices around 45-75000, depending on the position. hehehe. hamster is perfect if you want your business to, because the price is so expensive and sought hamster, very funny, until - until I just want to keep this hamster. Specifications Roborovski Hamster:
-> Normal age of 3-4 years-> Time 4-5 cm hamster-> Long 23-30 days gestation-> The average number of children - average 6 tails-> The weaning period of 30 days-> Type Roborovski (face, normal white).
Panda Hamster
To form this little hamster panda long, narrow, large clean panda also exactly. seems like not biting because my melihara never to bite. the price for a pair of hamsters panda about 70 mil. Specifications hamster panda:
- Age> 1-3 years-> Length 10-15 cm-> Long gestation of about 20 days.