Here are some tips on choosing Anis Merah Bird (AM) is good, based on physical characteristics (katuranggan):One. Select AM men usually wear rings or we can ask the seller to ensure that we buy manly AM.2nd. Select AM healthy, without pain and without physical disabilities. Normally AM sound has a sharp eye rays morbid sleepy / sleeping and often discouraged.3rd. The shape of the eyes and the eyes light.4th. Oval head shape.5th. Shape half thick, large and long term. Generally have a strong power of voice.6th. Nozzle shape when viewed from above looking upward cone (like shape Carom).7th. Scraps select the portion nearest the eye.Eight. Elongated and wide nostrils.9th. The position of the nose near the base of the nozzle.10. Form long neck.11. Proportional body posture (body, neck and tail length) and not fat.12. The wings placed firmly (thinner).13. Long fingers.14. M. shaped tailStyle jazzed dendasarkan physical observations:· Teler Classical Style, is the way he stood, so that the longest legs and levels.· Style Teler Doyong if ngangkang inclined position, which means that the position of fingers or in the palm pangkringan is stretched, so the position of the body becomes lower. I'm jazzed style now inclined to be very popular.These tips apply to select varying AM-old young trotol (materials) or more. I hope we can improve the material from bird to bird winners.