Sunday, 6 January 2013

Easy Tips For Normal Blood Pressure

Health tips. Having a healthy body is the expectation of all. This can be labeled blood pressure remained normal. With the blood pressure, which is always stable, so that the working bodies also be optimized as well. You will surely avoid the possibility of developing high blood pressure or hypertension. So, there are some easy tips that high blood pressure is not stable and always ...?

health tips. Hypertension or high blood pressure disease is a disease that should be avoided. Did you know that high blood pressure can cause complications laiinya primarily to disrupt the system of the heart, stroke, and even erectile dysfunction. Therefore, health tips, this time will address an article that may be useful to readers. Here are some simple tips to keep your blood pressure is not high:

The first tip is to listen to music that breathing exercises beatnya stable and doing turned out to be very good to keep your blood pressure remains normal. This is because listening to music is a good way to dilate the arteries, relieve anxiety and be able to keep you from the constriction of blood vessels in the body.
Tip two is to perform activities of laughs. Laughter really well to keep your blood pressure remained stable. Teryata Laughter can also make blood vessels dilate by 22%. In order that would cause the blood vessels to expand to be very good for improving blood circulation in the body and eventually reduce high blood pressure or hypertension.
The third tip is to eat dark chocolate. Dark chocolate can keep your body's blood pressure remained normal. According to a study conducted in Italy, in 2008, suggested that eating chocolate every day for 15 days can help reduce systolic blood pressure. Therefore, consumption of dark chocolate is one of the easy tips that keep your blood pressure stable.
Tips room they offer blood pressure monitors at home. This is a very effective tips to get your blood pressure at a time. You can measure the blood pressure in your spare time every day with a device for measuring blood pressure you have.